If you are noticing signs that the elder you care about is not managing well alone, you will want to seek assistance in evaluating their condition and capacity to live alone. In Home Nursing agencies are able to provide the elderly assistance with personal care, homemaking services and assuring a safe home environment. The following are signs that someone may be struggling with managing their own care, homemaking and /or home maintenance.

  • The elder appears unclean or unkempt, has a body odor, is unshaven
  • The elder wears soiled clothing or the same clothing continuously
  • The elder refuses to leave the home or attend appointments or activities
  • The elder does not allow anyone into the home
  • The elder has dirty bedding or soiled furniture
  • The home is dirty, cluttered and unkempt
  • The home’s overall maintenance has been ignored
  • There are accumlating mail, bills and other papers in the home
  • There is evidence or hoarding
  • There is evidence of garbage and recyclables piling up in the home
  • There are foul odors in the home
  • There is spoiled food in the refrigerator or elsewhere
  • The home has jury rigged, unsafe or inadequate repairs
  • There is evidence of burned or melted items on or near the stove
  • There is evidence the elder is not sleeping in a bed,
  • The elder has broken or inadequate furnishings
  • There is inadequate heating or cooling in the home
  • There is evidence of vermin infestation in the home
  • There is evidence of water damage in the home
  • The elder has unsafe entries, exits and stairways
  • The edler does not have bsic safety devices like smoke detectors

If you are concerned about an elder or other vulnerable adult seek assistance from local public health nurses, Professional Geriatric Care Managers, area Aging Service Hotlines, the elder’s medical provider or Adult Protective Services.